ISMA University of Applied Sciences in Uzbekistan 
ISMA University of Applied Sciences 
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego w Łodzi
Polonia University in Częstochowa 
Institute of Criminal Law and Applied Criminology 
A.Yu. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies
of the NAS of Ukraine 
Lviv University of Business and Law 
International Humanitarian University 
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management 
Publishing House “Helvetica” 
Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation 
International Scientific Conference
November 28, 2022
Fergana, the Republic of Uzbekistan
We kindly invite scientists, undergraduate and postgraduate students of higher education and research institutions, and practitioners interested in information technologies in higher education and science to participate in the international scientific conference.
Participation form – face-to-face (for participants from the Republic of Uzbekistan) and remote.
Abdurakhmonov Khamzakhuzha Tursunkhuzhaevych,
PhD in Economics,
Rector of ISMA University of Applied Sciences in Uzbekistan (Fergana, the Republic of Uzbekistan);
Romans Djakons,, Professor, Academician,
President of ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, the Republic of Latvia);
Deniss Djakons,
Dr.oec, Professor, Rector,
ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, the Republic of Latvia);
Viktor Kiktenko,
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Senior Scientist,
Director of A.Yu. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine);
Oleh Holovko,
PhD in Economics,
Founder and Director of the Publishing House “Helvetica” (Odesa, Ukraine);
Aivars Stankevics,
Assoc. Prof. Dr.oec.,
ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, the Republic of Latvia);
Victors Gopejenko,
Prof. Dr.Sc.,
ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, the Republic of Latvia);
Olga Verdenhofa,, Asoc.professor,
ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, the Republic of Latvia);
Jevgenija Dehtjare,
Assoc. Prof. Dr.oec.,
ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, the Republic of Latvia);
Antonina Djakona,
Prof. Dr.oec.,
ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, the Republic of Latvia);
Marga Zivitere,
Prof. Dr. oec.,
ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, the Republic of Latvia);
Rostislavs Kopytovs,
Prof. Dr.Sc.,
ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, the Republic of Latvia);
Alexander Mrochko,
Prof. Dr.Sc.,
ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, the Republic of Latvia);
Viktoriia Riashchenko,
Prof. Dr.oec.
ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, the Republic of Latvia);
Jūlija Mironova,
ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, the Republic of Latvia);
Shermukhammadov Bakhodyrzhon Shermukhammadovych ,
Rector of Fergana State University (Fergana, the Republic of Uzbekistan);
Salomov Uktam Rakhimovich,
Prof. DScTech,
Rector of Fergana Polytechnic Institute (Fergana, the Republic of Uzbekistan);
Reimov Ahmed Mambetkarimovich,
Prof. DScTech,
Rector of Karakalpak State University (Nukus, the Republic of Uzbekistan);
Tolayev Maruf Karimovich,
Vice governor of Batken region of Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyz Republic);
Saidov Saidumron Ganievich,
Assoc. Prof.,
Department of Classical Literature of Khujand State University named after Babajan Gafurov, Tajikistan (Khujand, the Republic of Tajikistan);
Hayrulla Bozorov,
Governor of Fergana region, Uzbekistan (Fergana, the Republic of Uzbekistan);
Remigijus Kinderis,
Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, (Klaipėda, the Republic of Lithuania);
Izabela Dorota Balińska,
Dr.hab., Prof. u.,
Vice-Rector for Didactic Affairs, Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego w Łodzi (Łódź, the Republic of Poland);
Andrzej Krynski,
PhD, ThDr., Prof., Dr h.c. mult.,
Rector of Polonia University in Częstochowa (Częstochowa, the Republic of Poland);
Valerii Buzhor,
Doctor of Law, Professor,
Rector of the Institute of Criminal Law and Applied Criminology (Chișinău, the Republic of Moldova);
Liubomyr Sopylnyk,
Doctor of Law, Doctor of Engineering, Professor,
Professor at Lviv University of Business and Law (Lviv, Ukraine);
Konstantyn Gromovenko,
Doctor of Law, Professor,
Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Rector of International Humanitarian University (Odesa, Ukraine);
Rostyslav Shchekyn,
Doctor of Law, Professor,
Excellence in Education Awardee, Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports, President of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Kyiv, Ukraine);
Mykhailo Vikhliaiev,
Doctor of Law, Professor,
Director of Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation (Uzhhorod, Ukraine);
Irina Kalenuk,
Prof. Dr.oec.,
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (Kyiv, Ukraine);
Nataliia Kholiavko,
Prof. Dr.Sc (Economics),
Chernihiv Polytechnic National University (Chernihiv, Ukraine).
- 10:00 – 10:30 (Riga time) – opening session of the conference;
- 10:30 (Riga time) – plenary session.
Persons who are interested in participation in the international conference should send the following documents to the Organising Committee before November 22, 2022 (inclusively):
- fill an application form;
- send the abstracts to Organising Committee:
The title of a file should meet the surname of a speaker. For example: Shevchenko_Abstracts.
Re: Conference on information technologies.
Participation in the international scientific conference is free.
All conference participants will be provided with an electronic collection of abstracts and a certificate of participation authenticated by a seal. Participants of the conference will have an opportunity to present the collection of abstracts and certificate as evidence of participation in the international conference that took place in the EU country.
Each conference participant receives an electronic certificate with the volume of skill enhancement (15 hours – 0.5 ECTS credit).
DOI will be assigned for each abstract from the conference’s collection of abstracts, enabling authors to find their scientific work at the website of Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI), which was developed by the specialists of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine by order of the Collegium of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine. The collection will be awarded with ISBN (International Standard Book Number) by European publishing house “Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”.
Certificate is a document confirming participation in the activities of a scientific conference (congress, symposium, and workshop) that took place in the EU country according to paras. 7.4 Section 2 of the Procedure for awarding degrees to academic staff approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated January 14, 2016, № 13.
A collection of conference abstracts will be available on an open platform of the European publisher “Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”.
A sample of the collection's publication is available at the link. After December 26, 2022, a collection of abstracts and a certificate will be sent to e-mails indicated by the participants in the form.
English paper title is centered (bold capital letters, Times New Roman, no. 16)
A title in the paper's language is centered (bold capital letters, Times New Roman, no. 16)
In one spacing, in the center, there is a full name in Latin characters, academic degree, academic rank (if any), post, department, affiliation, city, and country (in English); Times New Roman no. 14.
In one spacing, in the center, there is a full name in Latin characters, academic degree, academic rank (if any), post, department, affiliation, city, and country (in the paper's language); Times New Roman no. 14.
After one spacing there is a text which should meet the following requirements: А-4, all fields – 2 cm, Times New Roman № 14, line spacing – 1,5.
References (without repetitions) are at the bottom of the text taking into account the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition”. Citations in the text should be marked with numerical order of a source according to the list and page (pages) number, for example [7, p. 16].
Text volume is up to 5 pages including References.
Languages: Uzbek, Latvian, English, Ukrainian.
Please note that the maximum number of co-authors is 3.
Use of innovative technologies for teaching differential equations
in a pedagogical university
Використання технологій інноваційного навчання диференціальних
рівнянь у педагогічному університеті
Tiahai I. M.
Doctor of Engineering, Professor,
Professor at the Department of General Mathematics
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Kyiv, Ukraine
Тягай І. М.
доктор технічних наук, професор
професор кафедри загальної математики
Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
м. Київ, Україна
Text… [1, с. 194].
1. Онищук А. С. Інтерактивне навчання як запорука якісної професійної підготовки перекладачів. Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія: «Педагогіка. Соціальна робота». 2017. Вип. 1(40). С. 193–196.
Contact person: Demchenko Krystyna Hryhorivna – Conference Coordinator.
Telephone: +38 (068) 487 24 43