• Vārds, uzvārds: Antonina Djakona
  • Vecums: 33
  • Dzimums: Sieviete
  • Nosūtošā augstskola: Informācijas sistēmu menedžmenta augstskola (ISMA)
  • Mobilitātes valsts: Lietuva
  • Uzņemošā augstskola: Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences (KVK), Klaipeda, Lietuva
  • Studiju priekšmets: Mārketinga vizuālā komunikācija
  • Mobilitātes perioda ilgums: 07/09/2020 – 11/09/2020

2020. gada septembrī man tika dota iespēja piedalīties Erasmus+ programmā kā vieslektorei Informācijas sistēmu menedžmenta augstskolas partneraugstskolā Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences personāla docēšanas mobilitātes programmas ietvaros. Erasmus+ mobilitātes īstenošanas laikā tika sagatavotas un nolasītas 4 lekcijas, kā arī es iepazinos ar augstskolas studiju procesu, ar inovatīvām mācību materiāla pasniegšanas metodēm. Kolēģi dalījās ar savas universitātes darba pieredzi, piedāvātājām programmām un nākotnes vīziju. Notika informācijas apmaiņa starp mācībspēkiem un administrāciju par studiju programmām, kā arī par sadarbības veidiem un iespējām ar citām augstskolām un institūcijām. Docēšanas mobilitāte ļāva iepazīties ar studiju organizēšanas praksi, studiju tehnisko nodrošinājumu un studiju vidi kopumā, kā arī veicināja domu apmaiņu par dažādiem ar tirgvedību saistītiem aspektiem ar uzņemošās augstskolas studentiem un akadēmisko personālu.

Savu gūto pieredzi universitātē Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences novērtēju ļoti pozitīvi: uzskatu, kā šādas mobilitātes paplašina redzesloku un paaugstina mācībspēka profesionālo līmeni.

Pēc šīs vizītes veikšu uzlabojumus pasniegšanas metodēs, pielietošu jaunās zināšanas un ceru uz tālāku sadarbību ar Lietuvas kolēģiem.

Success stories

  • In January 2018 I became a part of Erasmus Study program. I chose ULPGC University in Canary Islands to improve my studies. I took part of this program twice because experience and studies here are excellent!

    Alisa Karsova
    Read more
  • 2020. gada septembrī man tika dota iespēja piedalīties Erasmus+ programmā kā vieslektorei Informācijas sistēmu menedžmenta augstskolas partneraugstskolā Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences personāla docēšanas mobilitātes programmas ietvaros.

    Antonina Djakona
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  • My full name is Davron Shukurullaev. I am studying at ISMA University of Applied Sciences, a fourth-year student.

    Davron Shukurullaev
    Read more
  • I have decided to take part in Erasmus+ training mobility in one of the northern universities and I never regretted.

    Diana Zmicerevska
    Read more
  • My name is Dilmurodjon Nishonov, I am from Uzbekistan and I study Master degree of Management in Business Administration. As a student of ISMA University in Riga Latvia, I always have wide range of opportunities to study in other countries of Europe or to have a practical traineeship. This means a lot for boy from Uzbekistan who had a chance to study and travel in Europe by the help of Erasmus mobility program. Erasmus+ experience made me feel like a global citizen, I am at home in any place in the world.

    Dilmurodjon Nishonov
    Student from Uzbekistan
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Our graduates work here

Success stories

  • In January 2018 I became a part of Erasmus Study program. I chose ULPGC University in Canary Islands to improve my studies. I took part of this program twice because experience and studies here are excellent!

    Alisa Karsova
    Read more
  • 2020. gada septembrī man tika dota iespēja piedalīties Erasmus+ programmā kā vieslektorei Informācijas sistēmu menedžmenta augstskolas partneraugstskolā Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences personāla docēšanas mobilitātes programmas ietvaros.

    Antonina Djakona
    Read more
  • My full name is Davron Shukurullaev. I am studying at ISMA University of Applied Sciences, a fourth-year student.

    Davron Shukurullaev
    Read more
  • I have decided to take part in Erasmus+ training mobility in one of the northern universities and I never regretted.

    Diana Zmicerevska
    Read more
  • My name is Dilmurodjon Nishonov, I am from Uzbekistan and I study Master degree of Management in Business Administration. As a student of ISMA University in Riga Latvia, I always have wide range of opportunities to study in other countries of Europe or to have a practical traineeship. This means a lot for boy from Uzbekistan who had a chance to study and travel in Europe by the help of Erasmus mobility program. Erasmus+ experience made me feel like a global citizen, I am at home in any place in the world.

    Dilmurodjon Nishonov
    Student from Uzbekistan
    Read more

Interesting to know

Latvia is one of the most affordable EU countries

Riga is a convenient hub with developed infrastructure uniting European cities

Great opportunities for internship and employment in Riga and the whole EU

A variety of leisure activities:
restaurants and themed venues, seaside beaches and ski resorts, theaters and music events

ISMA is located in the largest and the most modern business center in the Baltics,
where international conferences and career days, business meetings and symposia are held

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