The Inter-university Tourism and Hospitality Scientific Conference was held on 20th of May, 2022 in the Silver Room of LLU University in Jelgava.
ISMA University of the Applied Sciences was among of co-organizers of the venue. ISMA Professional Bachelor's Study Programme "Business Administration in Tourism" students and Master Study Program "Business Administration" participated in the conference with their reports:

  • Evelina Saleniece, Angelina Volka, Kumuda Savanthanahalli Manjunathaiah.
    Essential Travel Safety
  • Sharon Soy.
    Employee motivation at hotel industry in India
  • Ana Lasica, Marija Zujovic.
    Post-pandemic tourism development in Montenegro
  • Ričards Leitendorfs, Elīna Leitendorfa.
    Ceļošanas paradumu maiņa Covid-19 pandēmijas ietekmē
  • Aleksandra Dragunova.
    The development of the online promotion strategy in an order to increase competitiveness of the Baltic Blues Travel LTD.

ISMA would like to thank LLU conference organizers for the event which took first time and hopes to continue to participate also in the future events.

And of course we would like to thank our Latvian and international students for their readiness to present our high-school during the event!

ISMA "Business Administration in Tourism"
Study Programme director
Jevgenija Dehtjare

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On December 18, after a serious illness, Aivars Stankevičs passed away – Doctor of Economics, Professor, long-time Vice-Rector for Administrative Affairs at ISMA, an intelligent and creative individual, an expert and connoisseur of musical creativity, our dear friend and colleague.

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