Dear students,

Please pay attention to the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia on ensuring the full-time study process and transition to safe study mode after 10.10.2021.

Issued on 20.08.2021

Vadlīnijas studiju procesa organizēšanai
augstskolās un koledžās 2021./2022. akadēmiskajā gadā

(Guidelines for organising the study process in higher education institutions and colleges in the 2021/2022. academic year)

1. HEIs and colleges implementing higher education programmes during the 2021/2022 academic year start on-site study process in safe mode or partially safe mode (partially safe mode may be implemented until October 10, 2021). There are no limitations on the number of students in the auditoriums and no space limits per student:

  • safe study mode: full-time students, academic and technical staff participate in the implementation of the study programme only with a valid Covid-19 certificate for vaccination or disease;
  • partially safe study mode (for a limited transitional period until October 10, 2021 to obtain vaccination status by then):
    1. not only persons with valid vaccination or disease certificates may participate in the study process,
    2. but also the persons tested and holding a valid Covid-19 certificate for a negative test result obtained within the last 48 hours.
    3. Mouth and nose covering masques shall be worn by staff and students who do not have a valid Covid-19 certificate for vaccination or disease.
    4. The head of the institution has the right, when assessing the epidemiological situation, to require the use of mouth and nose masks for everyone, regardless of the type of certificate.

The transition to safe study mode must take place no later than October 11, 2021.


4. Persons who recovered of Covid-19, or have been vaccinated against Covid-19, or have a negative test result are identified by verifying the existence of the relevant certificate using the website and by checking the presented certificate and personal identity document.


6. HEIs and colleges, evaluating the epidemiological situation and taking into account the specifics of the study programme, have the right to make a reasoned decision on the full or partial remote implementation of a study course or module, ensuring the quality of studies does not decrease. This decision is made by the officials responsible for the quality of studies. Students must be informed about this decision….


9. Mandatory monitoring of persons' health condition - the presence of persons with the signs of respiratory infectious diseases is banned….


11. The testing on Covid-19 shall be covered by a person at their own expense.

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