Most trending keywords of every successful business development (tourism and hospitality including) in 2023 are communication, networking, soft skills, and sustainability. Aiming to conquer new heights, ISMA decided to hold its first Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) “Sustainability in Tourism and Hospitality”, #ISMA_STH!

 The first attempt becomes a successful one, rising the attention of 3 countries (Lithuania, Poland, Portugal),  3 HEIs (Klaipeda State College, Vistula School of Hospitality, Instituto Politécnico de Beja, 17 students – participants, and 4 guest lectors! The program includes both virtual and physical components and was finished by 24th of March, 2023

The aim of the program was to foster networking between the institutions and the students, to improve communication skills, and to get expertise within the application of sustainability requirements in tourism and hospitality. Regarding the objectives, workshops, such as “Impact of World Mega Trends on Sustainability in Tourism Industry” and "Sustainability in Latvian Tourism and Hospitality Industry" were organized and visits to Latvian hospitality establishments (also regional ones) were held. During the week of 20-24th March, international students were participating in the survey on sustainable hospitality, summarizing their impressions of the meeting with hospitality representatives. As the result, the most sustainable Latvian hospitality establishment was awarded as Jaunmoku Palace Hotel.

Jurmala Spa hotel was also additionally awarded as the most welcoming hospitality establishment.

Program participants reported their satisfaction with the high level of organization, thoroughness of program preparation, and obtained competence within sustainable tourism development.

The success of the program clearly shows – the program will always be demanded if it corresponds to the market requests, provides both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and solves as a tool of networking and communication.

ISMA would like to especially thank the program organizers, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, dr.oec. Jevgenija Dehtjare, Professional Bachelor`s study program “Business Administration in Tourism” director, mg. Julija Mironova and Erasmus+ coordinator, Karina Lazareva.

ISMA International Relations Department

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