Study Programmes
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Entrepreneurship in the Restaurant Business
The only programme of this level in the field of restaurant business in Latvia!
Information Systems
The main aim of the study programme is to prepare modern specialists − information system analysts, experts in programming, who could work in various fields of science and practice on the basis of comprehensive knowledge of information systems and technologies.
Business Administration
To prepare students to take leading positions and build careers in the sphere of business, public and-commercial organisations, to establish their own businesses.
Business Administration in Tourism
The study programme is implemented in cooperation with foreign partners. ISMA Professional Bachelor’s degree study programme “Business Administration in Tourism” and the awarded qualification perfectly complies with the requirements of Cabinet Regulations on the provisions of the state standard of second level professional higher education No 512 from August 26, 2014 and profession standard of enterprise manager/deputy enterprise manager.
Computer Systems
The Master's study programme "Computer Systems" fully corresponds to the study direction "Information Technology, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Management, and Computer Science", including the acquisition of such skills and competencies as business process analysis, creation and re-planning of IT solutions, preparation of technical documentation according to ICT industry standards etc., while promoting the development of leadership skills, as well as the understanding of the importance of cooperation and lifelong learning in one's profession, which is fully in line with the aim of the study direction to prepare competent, self-improvement-oriented and innovative-thinking professionals in the field of computer science and informatics who are competitive in the global market.