Romans Djakons
Dr.sc.ing., Professor, Academician, Chairman of the Board
Valentina Djakona
Dr.sc.admin., Asoc.professor, Vice-Rector for Studies
Marga Zivitere
Dr.oec., Professor, Academician, Rector's Advisor, Head of the Department of Economics
Jeļena Tihoncova
Zanna Klescevnikova
MBA, Vice-Rector for international relations
Antonina Djakona
Prof., Ph. D., Vice-Rector for Innovations and Development
Viktors Gopejenko
Dr.sc.ing., Professor, Vice-Rector for Research, Master's study program Computer Systems director
Viktorija Riashchenko
Dr.oec., director of the study program "Business administration"
Alexander Mrochko
Dr.sc.ing., Professor, Head of Department of Computer Technologies and Natural Sciences
Tatjana Lapaine
Mg.paed., docent, Head of the International Business Communications Department
Tatjana Odinokova