This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
About Project
ICT is among the leading sectors in Europe making an increasingly important contribution to the economic growth and jobs creation in advanced economies.
Despite of that according E-skill in Europe Report (2014) the shortage of ICT specialists is increasing. The demand for them is expected to increase in the next few years. Some school-graduates who might be interested in ICT studies in the future do not study subjects related to ICT, choosing a different specialization at school. Those who finish ICT studies have a decent qualification, which, however, should be more proficient. High schools and universities provide students with only basic ICT knowledge. If students want to work with a specific ICT, they must additionally study in centers of competence development. To this end, structural changes in ICT departments demand a new approach to the ICT education. As stated in the recent Report of the European Commission (EC) – Science Education for Responsible Citizenship, knowledge of and about science are integral to preparing our population to be actively engaged and responsible citizens, creative and innovative, able to work collaboratively and fully aware of and conversant with the complex challenges facing society. Nowadays entrepreneurs are considered as a possible solution to rising unemployment rates and as a recipe for economic prosperity. It is widely argued, what teaching methods should be used to teach economical disciplines and entrepreneurial skills. Research shows that in Europe, traditional methods tend to be relied on, while other researchers try to use more technology-based training methods, including economic simulation games. Many researchers recognize economic simulation games as effective tool to develop skills and form competences.
Introducing Fuse IT (Future competences pathways for marketing and ICT education) project addresses the education and labor market requirements for professional skills and knowledge for students and graduates in university (including life-long learning activities).
The project will analyze, design, develop and implement an up-to-date curriculum, e-learning materials, blended learning environment, ICT knowledge and skills self-evaluation and certification system simulations.
The Project
The European Union needs to ensure that the knowledge, skills, competence and creativity of the European workforce - especially its ICT practitioners - meet the highest global professional standard and are constantly updated in a process of effective lifelong learning. Michel Catinat, Head of Unit, ICT for Competitiveness and Industrial Innovation, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission, 2015 |
ICT is among the leading sectors in Europe making an increasingly important contribution to the economic growth and jobs creation in advanced economies. Despite of that according E-skill in Europe Report (2014) the shortage of ICT specialists is increasing. The demand for them is expected to increase in the next few years. Experts assert that many young people are still choosing studies different from ICT. Some school graduates who might be interested in ICT studies in the future do not study subjects related to ICT, choosing a different specialization at school. Those who finish ICT studies have a decent qualification, which, however, should be more proficient. High schools and universities provide students with only basic ICT knowledge. If students want to work with a specific ICT, they must additionally study in centres of competence development. Current situation justifies need for multi-disciplinary approach to ICT education, new curriculum design and creation of opportunities (and conditions) to get required skills and knowledges ASAP (e.g. by using online courses, lifelong learning principles and etc.). From looking of long period perspectives ICT departments will be forced to accept new approach to the ICT education which could help to decrease gaps and mismatches between needs of the labor market and societal needs (or expectations) of students. There are 2 level of beneficiaries which will be impacted by the project.
The primary target group includes:
- Students at university;
- Educators, university staff, adult education centers etc.
- Business sector (employer and employee).
“Future competences pathways for marketing” – FuseIT
The project partners were selected according to their experience in marketing and ICT.
Fuse IT project coordinator is Vilnius university (Lithuania) and 4 partners:
- ISMA University of Applies Sciences (Latvia)
- Vilnius University (Lithuania)
- University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania)
- Public institution "Information Technologies Institute" (Lithuania)
- Instituto Politecnico de Tomar (Portugal)
ISMA University of Applied Sciences is one of the leading higher educational institutions in Latvia. ISMA has rich traditions and clear future vision within the common area of European higher education. ISMA students are provided with an opportunity to make their dreams come true by obtaining therequired knowledge in the five directions, which are accredited by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Latvia.
- Information Technology
- Economics
- Management and Administration, Real Estate Management
- Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business
ISMA successfully ensures continuing development, which nowadays is an advantage on the Latvian and European labour markets while offering competitive education, which combines both theory and practice. At present ISMA offers Latvian and foreign students to study at all levels: first level professional higher education, Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral study programmes. Therefore, ISMA provides its students with an opportunity to receive the education which meets their future plans, is labour market oriented and ensures the development of creative and leadership skills.
Vilnius University is a classical university with 440 years of academic traditions and the widest range of study programmes in Lithuania. The university offers an academic environment focused onexcellence in research and teaching. Vilnius University is 1st in Lithuania according to national ranking. It is the most popular and most acknowledged higher education establishment among Lithuanian secondary school graduates. Kaunas Faculty is the only academic subunit of Vilnius University that is located in a different city. The Faculty is interdisciplinary, i.e. it encompasses study programmes from three different fields of science: Humanities, Social and Physical Sciences(Informatics). Faculty has accumulated experience in realizing Marketing study programmes: Marketing and Trade Management Masters study programme is running more than 20 years. Relevant to this project proposal is the newly launched BSc program in Marketing Technologies (Study area-Technological Sciences; Study field- Informatics Engineering) which will directly contribute to and benefit from this project.
University Politehnica of Bucharest is the largest Technical University in Romania greatly contributing to the development of Higher Education in the country. It has a vast range of expertise in fostering innovation and creativity in Technical Engineering, including the novel concepts of Industry 4.0, these concepts being taught to students for several years. This include courses on CAD/CAM technologies, additive manufacturing, eco-design and eco-technologies that are also among core skills for our students, concepts that are taught for several years to Engineering students. The academic and technical staffs of one of its research and innovation center UPB-CAMIS, has experience in modern and innovative engineering technologies for Industry 4.0 including Additive manufacturing and virtual and augmented technologies within the Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems (EMTS). Theoretical and practical knowledge on principles of Industry 4.0, additive manufacturing (that includes 3D printing technologies) are among the competences that are students gain by the end of their BSc studies. The CAMIS RDI center, has a vast experience with EU projects. CAMIS was involved in various EU funded projects with highly appreciated results by the target audiences and end-users in the area of Industry 4.0. UPB is also recognized by the National Qualification Authority as a continuous formation educational provider for Computer Aided Design courses (ANC authorization B0008501, 40/2069/23.12.2014, authorization B 0008002, 40/6251/21.08.2014). UPB-CAMIS also administers its own learning management system and has an extensive experience in e-learning and adult education, including VET (its interest in this project). It has considerable experience in project quality assurance activities, including internal and external evaluation of project activities and results.
Public institution Information Technologies Institute (ITI) was established in 1997 and started as an organization which creates temporary professional working groups for projects on Information System design. The full-time staff of ITI includes administrative, financial and project managers (5-10persons). ITI has strong experience in IT training/testing courseware design and development. From year 2000 ITI started with ECDL (European Computer Driving License) Programme implementation in Lithuania. ITI supervises infrastructure of more than 70 ECDL Test Centres in Lithuania. Currently the development and dissemination of computer literacy related training/testing systems have the major importance for the Institute. ITI has developed the Automated ECDL Test System which is authorised by the ECDL Foundation. Currently ITI is involved in development of Learning/Testing solutions for ECDL, e-Citizen, CAD, 3DP, health information systems, security and children safety subjects in Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian and Azeri languages.
The Polytechnic Institute of Tomar dates back to 1983, as an independent Higher School of Technology, and the first undergraduate courses started in 1986. On January 1st 1997 it became the current Institute, with 3 Higher Schools, 2 based in Tomar and 1 in Abrantes. It is a public Higher Education Institution and it currently comprises two campuses: the main campus in Tomar with over10ha and the Abrantes campus. Today, about 4500 members integrate our academic community:4000 students, 300 lecturers and 125 staff. With well-equipped laboratories in the technology, heritage and arts sectors, it offers over 20 undergraduate courses, several Master programmes and also various technical courses. It also collaborates with some PhD programmes offered by other institutions.
PT has had an e-learning Center for more than 10 years and the technical and human resources for the development of e-learning contents, services and contexts. IPT received in 2008 the Golden Prize from European Commission in recognition of its experience and good practices in the management of Intensive Programmes, the ECTS and SD Label in recognition of good practices in Mobility (2008-2016) as well as Best Practices Eramus+ 2018.
Project Results
The project will analyze, design, develop and implement an up-to-date curriculum, e-learning materials, blended learning environment, ICT knowledge and skills self-evaluation and certification system simulations.
The main intellectual outputs are related to marketing and future competencies and they will include:
- Guidelines and study analysis in Higher education
- A1: Analysis of Existing Programmes and Curricula (PT, RO, LV, LT)
- A2: Study analysis of future digital marketing competences
- A2: Summary of Study analysis of future digital marketing competences (PT, RO, LV, LT)
- A3: Guidelines for Digital marketing competences integration to ITC
- A3: Summary of Guidelines for Digital marketing competences integration to ITC (PT, RO, LV, LT)
- Curriculum development and localization (PT, RO, LV, LT)
- E-learning material in separate parts for different subjects (specialization)
- Simulations for education
- Self-evaluation with certification testing
- Methodological guidelines (PT, RO, LV, LT)
All learning products will be tested by and improved after analysis of pilot studies/training and testing in Lithuania, Portugal, Romania and Latvia.
All learning products will be presented to national higher education institutions, and encouraged to use in ICT and marketing curricula. Guidelines will support their implementation. EN versions will be used for dissemination in other European countries for further localization base.
- Kick Off meeting 11-12th December 2019
- „Martech“ pilot trainings
- Multiplier event: MARTECH: Marketing and Digital Skills for the Modern Specialist
- FuseIT: Future competences pathways for marketing and ICT education
- Multiplier event. MARTECH: Marketing and Digital Skills for the Modern Specialist – December, 2021, Lithuania
- Multiplier event. Portugal Multiplier Event | “Future competences pathway for marketing” - Fuse IT– December, 2021, Portugal
- Multiplier event. “Nākotnes kompetences ceļš mārketingam” – FuseIT (Latvia) – December, 2021, Latvia
- Multiplier event. “Future competences pathways for marketing” – FuseIT (Romania) – December, 2021, Romania
Project Coordinator - Vilnius University
Kaunas Faculty, Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics
Mrs. Indre Sciukauske, +37060766780