My last trip was to Spain, this trip was unforgettable as all other trips abroad and full of experience in my personal and professional life. To organize the internship Karina Lazareva International Relations Coordinator of ISMA Higher Education Institution has helped me a lot just like she does for every other student. This year I had an internship as a bartender at the 4-star hotel. This hotel is located in Lanzarote in Canary Islands of Spain. While having an internship in the hotel as a bartender I have discovered lots of different kinds of cold and hot drinks, cocktails and coffees. In order to enrich my professional skills, I was taught by 1st manager of food and beverage, 2nd manager of bar, supervisor of waiters and my colleagues. Especially the 2nd manager of the bar helped me a lot on management skills and taught me his all daily paper works which made me more confident on my theoretical and practical management skills.

While having an internship I have learned one more new language and schedule my time. Have seen new culture and new people, opportunity to work in abroad.

Overall, I am very pleased and satisfied with one more summer experience by the opportunity of Erasmus + program. Most importantly I had a chance to use my theoretical knowledge on practice. Many thanks to my University and Erasmus for giving me and many other students unforgettable memories. I would love to recommend to take this opportunity and enjoy spending time abroad and learn.

Veiksmes stāsti

  • In January 2018 I became a part of Erasmus Study program. I chose ULPGC University in Canary Islands to improve my studies. I took part of this program twice because experience and studies here are excellent!

    Alisa Karsova
  • 2020. gada septembrī man tika dota iespēja piedalīties Erasmus+ programmā kā vieslektorei Informācijas sistēmu menedžmenta augstskolas partneraugstskolā Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences personāla docēšanas mobilitātes programmas ietvaros.

    Antonina Djakona
  • My full name is Davron Shukurullaev. I am studying at ISMA University of Applied Sciences, a fourth-year student.

    Davron Shukurullaev
  • I have decided to take part in Erasmus+ training mobility in one of the northern universities and I never regretted.

    Diana Zmicerevska
  • My name is Dilmurodjon Nishonov, I am from Uzbekistan and I study Master degree of Management in Business Administration. As a student of ISMA University in Riga Latvia, I always have wide range of opportunities to study in other countries of Europe or to have a practical traineeship. This means a lot for boy from Uzbekistan who had a chance to study and travel in Europe by the help of Erasmus mobility program. Erasmus+ experience made me feel like a global citizen, I am at home in any place in the world.

    Dilmurodjon Nishonov
    Student from Uzbekistan

Šeit strādā mūsu absolventi

Veiksmes stāsti

  • In January 2018 I became a part of Erasmus Study program. I chose ULPGC University in Canary Islands to improve my studies. I took part of this program twice because experience and studies here are excellent!

    Alisa Karsova
  • 2020. gada septembrī man tika dota iespēja piedalīties Erasmus+ programmā kā vieslektorei Informācijas sistēmu menedžmenta augstskolas partneraugstskolā Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences personāla docēšanas mobilitātes programmas ietvaros.

    Antonina Djakona
  • My full name is Davron Shukurullaev. I am studying at ISMA University of Applied Sciences, a fourth-year student.

    Davron Shukurullaev
  • I have decided to take part in Erasmus+ training mobility in one of the northern universities and I never regretted.

    Diana Zmicerevska
  • My name is Dilmurodjon Nishonov, I am from Uzbekistan and I study Master degree of Management in Business Administration. As a student of ISMA University in Riga Latvia, I always have wide range of opportunities to study in other countries of Europe or to have a practical traineeship. This means a lot for boy from Uzbekistan who had a chance to study and travel in Europe by the help of Erasmus mobility program. Erasmus+ experience made me feel like a global citizen, I am at home in any place in the world.

    Dilmurodjon Nishonov
    Student from Uzbekistan

Interesanti zināt

Latvija ir viena no pieejamākajām valstīm

Rīga ir ērts mezgls ar labi attīstītu infrastruktūru, kas apvieno Eiropas pilsētas

Lieliskas prakses un nodarbinātības iespējas gan Rīgā un visā ES teritirijā

Dažādas atpūtas aktivitātes:
restorāni un tematiskas vietas, piejūras pludmales un slēpošanas kūrorti, teātri un mūzikas pasākumi

ISMA atrodas lielākajā un modernākajā biznesa centrā Baltijā,
kur notiek starptautiskas konferences un karjeras dienas, biznesa tikšanās un simpoziji
