The 21st International Scientific Conference
Information Technologies and Management 2023

20 - 21 April 2023

The International Scientific Conference "Information Technology and Management" (IT&M) has been held annually since 2002 with the aim to bring a community of researchers from academia and industry, computer scientists, engineers, physicians together in order to share points of views, knowledge, experience and scientific and technical results, related to mathematical and computer modelling, mathematical methods in natural and engineering sciences, physical and technical sciences, computer sciences and technologies, nanodevices and nanotechnologies, logistics and transport technologies, economics and management, innovative education, system theory problems and system analysis.


Computer Modelling and Information Technologies

Management Information Technologies

Superb Organizations


Prof. Dr.Sc. Victor Gopeyenko (ISMA University, Riga, Latvia) – The head of programme committee
Prof. Rostislav Kopytov (ISMA University, Riga, Latvia)
Prof. Igor Kabashkin (Transport & Telecommunication Institute, Riga, Latvia)
Prof. Dr.Sc. Ravil I. Muhamedyev (Kazakh National Research Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Prof. Dr.Sc. Habil Arnold Kiv (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
Prof. Dr.Sc. Habil Dietmar Fink (University of Mexico, Mexico, United Mexican States)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Sc. Alytis Gruodis (Vilnius Business College, Lithuania)
Prof. Vladimir Soloviev (Cherkassy National University, Ukraine)
Prof. PhD Mariana Petrova (St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr.Sc. Habil Iryna Kalenyuk (Institute of Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine)
Prof. Dr.Sc. Sevdalina Ilieva Dimitrova (Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr.oec. Iryna Chernysh (Poltava National Technical Yurii Kondratuyk University, Ukraine)
Prof. Dr.Sc., Dr.oec. Volodymyr Onyshchenko (The National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic», Poltava, Ukraine)
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D Svitlana Sivitska (The National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic», Poltava, Ukraine)
Assoc. Prof. Yulovskaya Viktoriya (Moscow Technological University (MIREA), Moscow, Russia)
Wojciech Leoński (University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland)
Wieczorek-Szymańska (University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland)

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